Thursday, August 13, 2009

So>>>Whats the New Flavor

Every year, something or someone new makes its/their way onto the music scene. Currently the raining Queen of the new = the infamous Lady Gaga. Personally I like her sound, though her fashion does cause me to question her sense. But woah be me to express my manic confusion over a music icons personal dress. Either way if Lady Gaga is the current new I cant wait to see what/who follows her

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

AMTRAK~Travel Adventure~Yes or No

I hate planes, always have always will. Following it the most effecient form of transportation has to be the train. Problem is the american commuter train system is not up to the modern standards most of us would expect. Yes there are electricity, toilets, dining cars, and sleeping cars. Unfortunatly though these aspects are up to standard nothing else is. Due to Amtrak having less rights on the tracks all other non amtrak trains have priority when it comes to crossings and such. Whenever two trains are passing each other one has to stop, Amtrak has to always be that one. This leads to delays and longer trips than what one could get if they had just taken the greyhound. Reality, if this was fixed Amtrak would be one of the greatest ways to travel all around.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Chester French~ A new sound, a wave of emotion

As I stated in the earlier blog, I love Music. Recently I witnessed the performance of Pharrell's new group, Chester French. At the time they were opening for awesome and very talented Gym Class Heroes. I can say with much pleasure that this two man band put on a great show and got me real reved up for the rest of the concert. In fact I liked what I heard so much that I purchased their debut album "Love the Future" so that I could get a listen to what they really could do. I was not one bit disappointed, the music is a great mix of todays pop and the early rock of acts such as the Beatles. Front man D.A. Wallach's voice is both ruff and sultry (can you say delicous). Paired with the harmony provided by his partner in crime, Maxwell Drummey's guitar, keyboard, or whatever else he plays ( I'am not sure, I just remember him playing those two during the show) they've won me over for sure. Their music is addictive, my fav from the album has to be BeBee Buell, and if your interested in becoming a fellow Chester French addict head over to and take a listen to their tunes. On the website their is a free download of their mixtape which features numerous big name artists.

MuSiC***sooths the soul

I, like most, love music. Traditionally my favorite band is Linkin Park, i mean who doesn't like a Linkin Park song. Their music takes me to another place (alternate universe), It causes me to cry, to laugh, to get angry, and even sad. Recently they have confirmed that they will be working on the score for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, if that isn't cool what isn't. The song titled: New Divide is set to release on May 18th.
(Photo courtesy of fortysix_vie on


~REALITY, a blog is the last thing I ever thought I would start but as of two weeks ago I needed a new hobby. So what comes out of this who knows, either way, WELCOME to my MemoryMemorandum
****Ms. Zandria